
2023年12月4日—SoI'vebeenlookingintopgtoolsandallthatandyouneedarootedandroid,Ididn'tmanagetodothatsoIrootedtheemulatormumu ...,Thisbottakesastrongstanceagainstautomatinggymbattles.Bottinggymswillhaveanegativeeffectonmostplayersandthusthegameasawhole.,Thecross-platform(iOS,Android)mobileappforPokemonGo-Botisaworkinprogress!LoginScreen.Installation.Checkoutthisrepository,thencdtoit.cd ...,2023年...

How to use a bot for your Pokémon go

2023年12月4日 — So I've been looking into pgtools and all that and you need a rooted android, I didn't manage to do that so I rooted the emulator mumu ...


This bot takes a strong stance against automating gym battles. Botting gyms will have a negative effect on most players and thus the game as a whole.


The cross-platform (iOS, Android) mobile app for PokemonGo-Bot is a work in progress! Login Screen. Installation. Checkout this repository, then cd to it. cd ...

What's the best bot app in you guys' opinion?

2023年4月11日 — I'm currently using Polygon's and its farming bot is quite nice,although it feels like some little tweaks could make it better.

安卓寶可夢24小時掛機RealAndroidBot (BOT) Pokemon Go ...

安卓24小時掛機RealAndroidBot (BOT) Pokemon Go Bot需要電腦Win10/Linux 連線掛機,支援Pgsharp / Pokemod / HAL / Polgon應該可以爽練星辰,請自行研究.discord ht .